Bowen Therapist
President Bowen Association Australia
Administrator Tom Bowen Legacy Trust Fund
A Bowen treatment is a deeply relaxing experience that involves gentle strategic moves on the body. These moves relay healing messages via the central nervous system to restore your injured and tense muscles to their original condition.
The client will be required to lie face down on a massage table for approximately 25 mins then turn over for another 25 mins depending on the treatment.
Tom Bowen treated clients directly on bare skin, but if you are uneasy with this then please wear loose cotton clothes.
Bowen Technique incorporates timely pauses into the treatment to allow your body to absorb and integrate the moves that initiate healing. During these pauses it is common for the therapist to leave the room so as not to inhibit your healing process.
I have developed a COVID-19 Safety plan in keeping with NSW Health advice.